NEW FOR SEPTEMBER 2025: Hypnotist Helps Tipster Smash The Bookies...
I Now Have £286,784.28
Sat Happily In My Betting Account
Copy my Daily Tips and so could YOU...

From: Chris Haydock

Location: Cheltenham, England

Let me dispel a myth...

The bookies do NOT always win.

They might 97, 98 or maybe even 99% of the time, sure...

But what they don't want you to know is that a handful of successful punters take them for an extremely expensive ride every single day.

So when your friends tell you that you will never beat the bookies...

They are wrong.

When your family tells you that you will never beat the bookies...

They are wrong.

Because there is a select group of people out there making a fortune from the horses on a daily basis.

And those people share one thing in common.

They know when to STOP.

All art is knowing when to stop.

You see, the problem with most professional tipsters is that they might come up with 2 or 3 winners each day...

But far too often they wipe out their winnings with another 2 or 3 tips that lose.

In fact, my guess is that you've followed a bunch of these guys yourself?

You know the ones... they send you 5 or 6 tips each day and at least 3 of them end up as losers.

Which means most days you end up in the red.

The problem with tipsters like this is that their strategies are doomed to fail as they almost always involve placing bets on races in which the winner is far from certain.

They're unable to focus solely on the races in which everything points towards 1 winner and 1 winner only.

And that's where I come in.

Are you ready to follow a tipster who is CERTAIN about the bets he places?

My name is Chris Haydock,

I grew up in a family of mad keen horse enthusiasts and for over 15 years I've made my living from betting on the horses.

As a kid our family travelled the length and breadth of the country to watch the races and naturally we never missed a meeting at Cheltenham, our home course.

My dad, my uncle, my cousins... even my mother... they all loved a flutter.

And fortunately for me, maths was always a strong point at school...

I was able to develop my own methods for analyzing races and came up with an extremely effective strategy to win.

In fact, by the time I left school my strategy was enabling me to make a very good living from betting.
From there life moved on, I met a girl and got married.

The problem was... my wife, as amazing as she is, was never particularly keen on what I did.

And, even though I was making a solid income, I could understand her apprehension.

On the days where I won big I'd be as happy as Larry.

But on the days when I'd lost, she'd have to put up with me in some real lousy moods.

Those days always followed a pattern.
I'd be up, sometimes significantly, then I'd get greedy, place large bets on races that I wasn't too sure about and inevitably lose my winnings for that day.

And this started to happen all too regularly.

That's when it happened. The hypnotist appointment that changed my life.

It wasn't my idea to see a hypnotist of course. It was my wife's.

In fact, she'd booked me the appointment as a birthday gift.

As you can imagine... an appointment with a hypnotist to 'cure my addiction' to the very thing that I made my living from wasn't exactly my idea of a birthday gift.

But I had a plan.
I had absolutely no intention of giving up my means of income. But this guy was top-of-the-range and my wife had prepaid his not insignificant £500 fee.

Which made me think maybe, just maybe, this guy had something.

And if he did, rather than him trying to hypnotise me to give up betting on the horses, maybe he could hypnotise me to be able to KNOW WHEN TO STOP.
So I went along to his plush offices in London and explained to this extremely warm and friendly guy (who wishes to remain anonymous) that I was looking for an entirely different session to the one my wife had envisaged.

I was skeptical of course but hell, this guy was good.

As I lay there listening to his soothing words I genuinely felt an extremely positive change start to reign over me and left the session with a spring in my step.

The very next day, unbeknown to my wife, I placed my bets on only the races that my system was bringing up as surefire wins.

The first race, I won. The second race, I won. The third race, I won. The fourth race, I won.

All to the tune of £458.20.

Then, I stopped...

Before my hypnosis session I would most likely have thrown a bunch of my winnings on a horse that my strategy was bringing up only as a probable winner...

But now my mindset had totally changed. I was focused. Focused on only horses that my strategy was bringing up as winners as surefire as a horse could possibly be.

And that's how things went from that day onwards.

In 2019, I banked £161,254.26 in winnings.

In 2020, I banked £205,296.44 in winnings.

Fast forward to 2025 and my strategy has made me over £280,000 in winnings in this calendar year alone and it's all because I LEARNT WHEN TO STOP.
My wife, as you can imagine, wasn't too impressed when I came clean about what happened on that hypnotist's chair.

But let's just say the 5 star all-inclusive resort I booked us in the Maldives with that week's earnings had a funny way of appeasing her.

What's more, I realised that I was now in a position where I KNEW I could help other people beat the bookies with me...

Check out their success stories...

"Thanks so much Chris, this is incredible. I was getting so fed up of receiving 5 tips a day from random tipsters with only 2, 1 or even 0 winners each day. With your tips I'm almost certain to be making serious money each day. There are so few losers and I've made well over £2,000 from an initial £80 stake. I really do appreciate it."

Tony, Chester.
"I must admit I was skeptical at first. These tips usually crash and burn within days. But I gave your tips a go and I'm so happy I did. I place every tip you come up with and I've now made over £3,500 in my first 3 weeks. You really are the real deal!"

Helen, Stafford.
"Chris, firstly, thank you! I've only been following your tips for 10 days but I'm already £2,124 in profit and I only started with fifty quid! I've worked out that your hit rate is over 85% which is mind-blowing. This is life-changing and I really appreciate what you're doing for me!"

Daniel, Wigan.
Introducing the system I now call

What would you do with an extra £286,784.28 in your account?

Buy that dream home?

Jet off on that luxury vacation?

Purchase that luxury car?

  Pay off all your credit cards and debts?

Spend it on your family and loved ones?

The possibilities really are endless.

And to put your mind at ease let me answer some of your questions...

"I've subscribed to a bunch of tipster services before and they've all failed. How do I know that this won't be the same?"
Firstly, I feel your pain. Most tipsters may be able to pick a winner or two but they almost always lose far more than they win. The reality is that on most of the races they bet on, they're guessing. With Hypnotic Bets guessing is no longer an option. I ONLY send you the tips that my system brings up as surefire winners. Meaning a success rate of well over 85%!

"I'm a busy person and can't afford to spend hours following a system. Can I still profit with this?"
The simple answer to this one is YES! Every morning I'll send you an email with ONLY the surefire picks for that day on. You can then go ahead and place those bets. Simple!

"What time can I expect to receive the tips?"
I will email you the tips well before 7.30am UK time every single day.

"I have never placed a bet in my life. Is this for me?"
Absolutely. You can sign up to any of the betting exchanges online and place your bets within minutes. It really is that simple!

It takes a few minutes to place the same exact bets as me, and beyond that there's nothing else to learn. I won't feed you a load of technical jargon or send you over-complicated manuals. You get one email, each morning before 7.30am with the exact bets I have researched and chosen to win. It doesn't get much easier than that.

"What starting stake do I need?"
This is totally up to you depending on your circumstances. My recommendation would be to start low, see the winners come in, building your confidence in the service, then start to increase your staking amount.

"Am I able to get a refund?"
Absolutely, yes. In the EXTREMELY unlikely event that you are not happy with my service you can simply send me an email and I will send you a no-questions-asked refund. This guarantee lasts a full 60 days so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Join Hypnotic Bets TODAY and get all this...

Check your email each morning, grab my tips and spend just a few minutes placing your bets before relaxing and watching those winners come in for the rest of the day
Say goodbye to the 9-to-5 rat race and all the stresses that come with it.
Live life on your terms. Go to the gym, go to the pub, head to the beach. All safe in the knowledge that your winning bets are placed for that day
Watch as your betting account balance goes up day after day after day.
Enjoy your new life with friends, family and loved ones knowing that surefire winning tips are hitting your inbox every single day.

Act NOW and change your life forever!

Often in life things happen for a reason.

You are still reading this message because you are committed to changing your
fortunes and finally finding a tipster service that wins and wins BIG.

You have been referred to this page by somebody who really wants YOU to SUCCEED.
No recurring payments. Satisfaction guarantee.

I believe that Hypnotic Bets is for you and that you will seize this life-changing opportunity.

But I must warn you that this page may not be around for long.

I really am only able to allow a handful of new members through the door before I close down this offer.

I need to keep the number of spots available limited to preserve the odds of the horses and to make sure I can reply to every single one of my new members personally if they ever have any questions.

I have spent years and years developing my system... and since my chance hypnotic encounter it has been streamlined only to produce surefire winners.

The Hypnotic Bets system has made me a very wealthy man and I'm extremely excited to be able to share my tips with others.

But you must act NOW if you want to get in on this. I'd love to be able to help absolutely everybody but sadly that really isn't possible.

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

And to put your mind totally at ease and to give you the confidence to become one of the lucky few new members...

Let Me Offer You a Full 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

I'm backing my Hypnotic Bets service with a full 60 day no-questions-asked money back guarantee. If at any time in the first 60 days of your membership you wish, for whatever reason, to get your money back, then just send me an email and I will refund you right away.

It is VITAL to me that you are happy with my service therefore I am more than happy to offer you this cast-iron guarantee.

Which means that you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Ok! So How Much Is This Going To Cost?

Well, not nearly as much as you think.

This is the very same system that has been making me over £250,000 a year on the horses. It would not be unreasonable for me to charge hundreds if not thousands for access to the incredible tips that my members will receive each and every day.

But don't worry because that's not what I'll be charging. The reality is that I'm already a very wealthy man and I'm not in this for the money. I'm here because I want to help others to enjoy a lifestyle that they deserve.

I want to help as many people as I possibly can and I want to make this affordable for everybody, which is why I've decided to set the price at a ridiculously low one-time fee of just £29.99.

That's just one single payment. There are no recurring fees here. A one-time payment of £29.99 and my tips are yours for life.

But this offer will not be around for long so GET IN NOW...
Become A Lifetime Member Of
Hypnotic Bets TODAY...

Instant Access For A One-Time Fee Of £29.99
No recurring payments. Satisfaction guarantee.

This is the best decision you will ever make…

But if you don’t act fast, you lose the chance to finally make an absolute killing on the horses...

You lose the chance to change your life…

And you will always wonder “what if…?”

Don't let that be you.

Sign up now!

I'll see you on the inside,

Chris Haydock

P.S. If you have any questions, queries or concerns, email and I will personally get back to you that very day. Whatever the issue, do not hesitate to get in touch.

P.P.S. This is the only chance you’ll get to change your life. Take it now. Because there’s no guarantee how long this page will be up. Remember: there is no risk here. Make the right choice – you have NOTHING to lose.

Instant Access For A One-Time Fee Of £29.99
No recurring payments. Satisfaction guarantee.

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